Monday, June 15, 2009

The Winning Grape

Okay, so I have a really picky little sister.
We went out to dinner at this fancy cafe thing. Sandwiches, soups, salads. My adorable little sister gets a grilled cheese (panini style) and a bowl of fruit. On the side sits a yummy looking chocolate-dipped strawberry. We all settle into our booth and inhale the lovely aroma of yummy (and healthy, EXTRA BONUS!) food... to be greeted by the unavoidable 'I don't like thiiiiiis..."
We all turn to said sister. She is holding her sandwich by two fingers, the way someone might after finding a particularly unpleasant surprise in their bowl of ice cream. Two fingers, pinkie out, the whole getup.
So, my dad finally gets her to eat it. She puts on this whole act about how her tooth hurts, how she thinks the bread is burned, how the world is going to have a horrifically apocolyptic ending because of this single grilled cheese sandwich.
I just ate my soup. Dinner and a show. Sweet.
So, then we move on to object number two: fruit. Sister has cleverly devised a plan: eat the chocolate off the chocolate covered strawberry. That's it. Leave the healthy part, leave the bowl of mandarin oranges and grapes. Eat chocolate.
Of course, that doesn't fly.
So we are greeted by another interesting wailing depiction of how the universe is about to implode on itself under the direction of eaten fruit. The entire earth as we know it will explode if one orange touches her mouth. She is adamant. This is one girl who is determined to keep away from anything that would be classified as a healthy food group.
Then I get an awfully strange idea.
I reach over. I pluck up an orange. And I say "I bet I can eat this faster than you."
She's suspicious. She looks at the bowl. She looks at me. I waggle my eyebrows and start moving it towards my mouth.
Another piece of orange is snatched into her little fingers and disappears into her mouth. She chews, swallows, wins the contest. She plops back into her seat, satisfied.
But we're not done. I pick up a grape. "We need to go again. I need to win you."
She waits until the grape is halfway to my mouth. She snaps one up and eats it. Another win.
By now the whole table is into it. Mom and Dad are 'Ready, Set, Go'ing. Brothers are laughing. Sister is proudly popping fruit after fruit to show up her older sister.
So, in the spirit of the thing, I carefully examine my fifth grape and declare that it looks like a winning one.
Instant reaction. Sister pops up. Shakes her fist in the air. Yells "I WANT THE WINNING GRAPE!"
Simultanious cracking up.
One very confused yet proud little kid, fist still waving.
Little kids are hilarious. As picky as she is, I love my sister to death, and she really says some of the funniest things ever. But I think we need to watch what shows we see around her. I swear, she talks like Invader Zim sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. Oh funny! What a crack up, she's going to make one good teenage girl with a feisty attitude like that.
    Breanna I will never forget you or the girls! You will have to come over for a slumber party soon!
